Important Hours Information
Volunteer Hour Requirments
During this 2019-2020 school year, our Wiregrass Ranch Chapter of Key Club is implementing a requirement of thirty volunteer hours in order to be inducted. Each member is required to have at least a total of thirty hours by April 1st. All volunteer hours can go towards this requirement, not limiting to events that are organized by our club. To include outside volunteer hours towards this requirement, fill out the Google form posted monthly on Twitter for documentation of those hours.
Outside Volunteer Hours
If you personally volunteered outside of Key Club, send those hours to our Secretary for documentation! With the volunteer hours you serve with our Key Club in addition to your personal volunteer hours, you have the opportunity to be awarded and recognized by the Florida District of Key Club!
1. Amount of volunteer hours performed
2. Description of activity
3. Location of event
4. Date(s) of project
Volunteering at a project presented with Key Club are already documented and recorded, therefore, members do not need to report these hours on the form. The only task that members may require is turning in the proper documentation to student services.
Reporting outside hours using the Google form does not submit the information to student services or to school officials.
Stay updated with meeting announcements and Remind notifications for due dates to report outside volunteer hours.
How to report these hours:
Members main form of communication to report hours is though our new google form system. To submit hours for documentation, utlize the form link sent out over class remind or Twitter, see announcements for your remind group code. Please remember to fill out the following information about each event you are reporting: